Sunday, January 20, 2013

Blog Announcement

So, for those of you who read this on a weekly basis, sorry I've been so lame! I've had a hectic past couple of weeks, and it isn't looking like it'll lighten up any time soon. As a result of that, I won't be able to promise a weekly post anymore. (Not that I've been doing that well with it anyways). So, I will post when I can, and it'll more than likely still be on Sundays...but it won't be quite as consistant as it once was.

Thank you to all of you who read it though, the support is great! Until next time.


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Week 18: Up

I suppose one could only go up from here.
It seems as though the journey before me is quite clear.
I've fallen deeper and deeper as time has passed,
And now there's no more to fall at last.
There's seems to be hope and light for me now,
And I can honestly say it sort of showed up somehow.
I've been waiting for the day or moment when I'd feel like this.
When my future looked positive and I'd be in a strange bliss.
Now it's finally here, I can finally smile for real.
I didn't think it'd be this easy to heal.

-Allison S. De Arton

Thursday, January 3, 2013

A Little Bit of Allison: Decisions

How familiar are you with blogs about life? I'm sure we are all very familiar with reading posts, blogs, statuses, tweets, or headlines about life. Things and ideas that people have come up with that sum up life, or maybe sum up the lessons they've learned. Well, here's one of mine. (I say "one of" because I'm sure there are many more to come.)

Life, in my short 20 years of living, has proven to be all about decisions. Think about it. When you decide to do something, it causes some sort of reaction or consequence that essentially guides the path of your life. The thing is, you don't only make one decision. We're constantly making decisions. These decisions open the doors to make more, and sometimes then we choose another and it closes some doors. It is true that some decisions are larger than others, like who you'll marry or where you'll go to college. But in the end, we look back and either praise or regret decisions we've made. 

I'm young and single, so therefore I haven't made a whole lot of life altering decisions. But I have done enough in my time to know that some decisions I've made were better than others. I think I've embarked upon one of the hardest choices I'll ever make. Lucky for me, I had some divine intervention help me make that choice, so I've already made it...but it hasn't taken place yet. Fortunately, most people aren't faced with the decision I've been put up to. Sorry to say, but I won't disclose what I'm actually talking about. If you're a close friend, then you already know. The point I'm trying to make is that even though this decision, or choice, or action hasn't taken place yet...I'm preparing myself for the aftermath that will follow. Wouldn't that be nice if we could make choices like this in advance? I'm not at all wishing my circumstances on anyone, but as I've come to think about it, I am able to prepare and brace myself for what my consequence will be. I don't think I've ever made a decision before where I could plan it out like this. Often times we make a choice or decision (I wish there were more words with the same definition so I could stop sounding so redundant.)and we don't see the consequence until it happens. I suppose that's where many of life's sayings come from, like "You Only Live Once" or "Eat, Drink, and be Merry", where they encourage making in-the-moment-decisions.

I'm trying not to ramble, so I hope I haven't been. I just wanted to convey that life is built with decisions. The choices we make depict what happens next. I feel that my current life-changing decision may be the only one where I can kind of expect what happens next. But, for all those other choices, may I be somewhat aware of the consequences I'm asking for myself. Onward!
