Monday, November 18, 2013

My Darling

Her cheeks are red,
Like she's feeling warm.
But she looks like a doll,
With perfect form.
I miss her every day,
I miss her every night,
Yet somehow I know 
Everything will be alright.
Her laugh is like music,
Though I only hear it rarely.
Some days are harder,
And I am holding on just barely.
Even through the tears..
I know it was right.
I can tell by her parents,
And their smile so bright.
Maybe one day it won't hurt and ache,
But for now my darling is my beautiful heartbreak.

-Allison S. De Arton

Sunday, November 17, 2013


I wish I could be a feather,
So light and colorful.
I would drift through the weather,
And float so peaceful.

Surely the wind would arrive,
And send me off course.
But alas it's from this I'd derive
A pleasant, sweet force.

This would take me here and there,
And essentially then,
I would have ended up
Just about everywhere.

If I were a feather,
I'd take the time
To maybe appreciate life better,
Appreciate what is mine.

I suppose I don't need to be
What I have described
To be content with being me,
And to happily live my life.

-Allison S. De Arton

Thursday, November 7, 2013

A Little Bit of Allison: I'm Grateful

Well, as usual, I have a little thought before I get into this blog. Can I just say wow?! I had over 1,100 views on my last post. I know that doesn't sound like a whole lot, but for my little sixty-views-if-I'm-lucky blog, that was quite impressive. Thank you so much everyone!! I'm sure this post may not get quite the response, but still. It was awesome to watch the views take off, so thank you :)

Alright, on to this post...

Thanksgiving is actually my favorite holiday. I just love it. The food, the family, and the opportunity for me to express my gratitude make for an amazing holiday. Last year, I spent the month of November posting a Facebook status each day that stated one thing I was grateful for. Well, this year I decided to pass up that bandwagon and take a moment to write an entire blog. I probably won't be able to list all of the things I am grateful for, but at least it's something.

My first expression of gratitude belongs with my parents. They are just great. I've tried time and time again to move out, and when things don't work, they're always welcoming me back with open arms. Knowing me, that's saying a lot ;). Can I just say that I have the sweetest mother? She works so hard and I love having her as one of my best friends. We talk about everything and her advice and opinions have helped me make some very hard but right choices. My dad and I butt heads sometimes, but I sure do love the guy. We have had some conversations that have shaped who I am, and I am grateful for those late-night-daddy-daughter talks. I don't know what I would do without my parents, (bet you haven't heard that one before)and I'm eternally grateful I don't ever have to find out.

Secondly, I'd like to express my gratitude for my siblings and their spouses. Each has had a special impact on my life, and I love the bonds we all have. My siblings have taught me valuable life lessons that I couldn't learn any other way. From the picture threads of "how hot we are" between Caitlan, Ann-Michelle, and I to the crying shoulder Kristie always provides, my siblings are great. Elise and I have our weekly visit to Rumbi, and it's so nice to be close enough to do that with her. My brother and his wife are far away, but their support is always close to me (bring on the cheese). I love my big family, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Thirdly, (and I think this will be my last one), I am grateful for Holly and Oley. There were countless times, (and even now), where Holly would say that they could never thank me enough. She would also mention she could never repay me for the gift I've given them. Well, my response to her still stands true. They gave me a second chance at life, and for that I'm eternally grateful. They are providing a beautiful life for my daughter, and allowing me to pursue other dreams of mine. I am so grateful I found them and we are able to have the love and friendship we share.

So, instead of spending 26 days posting little grateful comments, I am sharing this blog. I hope you enjoyed it, and hey, enjoy the holidays! Thank you for reading! :)

-Allison S. De Arton