Sunday, October 11, 2015

Somewhere In Between

I don't know what it is lately, but coming up with a blog introduction has been unusually challenging. When all else fails, I figure an honest statement will do. ;)

The last time I posted, Lucas and I were in a boat that seemed to be sinking. Looking back, a few months doesn't seem like a long time to struggle. During the time however, it seemed like it would never end. I think our short two and a half months down here has really taught us some valuable lessons. I'm really excited...and slightly see what the next several years will teach us.

I just have to say Lucas is a wonderful man. I know it sounds corny to gush about him, and I'm sure at least fifty percent of my audience will roll their eyes at this, but I'm going to anyway. I love Lucas more and more each day. I remember hearing a man say that about his wife when I was younger, and I always thought it sounded impossible. How could you love someone more than you did just the day before? While I can't possibly convey the exact amount of love I have for Lucas, I do know it is ever growing. Perhaps that's what the man meant, because it makes perfect sense to me now. Every day I spend with Lucas, I find more things to love about him. More often than not, I find myself falling in love with him all over again. One night a couple of weeks ago, I was having a pretty hard time. Lucas caught on to that, and somehow knew just what I needed. He turned on the song we danced to on our first date (Yellow by Coldplay) and we slowed danced in our kitchen. We've made the dancing a small habit now, but that night it meant so much. Lucas calmed my fears and in the brief time the song was playing, I felt so much appreciation for him. As we danced, I pictured that first night in my head, and all of the other nights in between, and I couldn't help but be in my own state of bliss. I know I'll never understand how or what I did to deserve such a wonderful man, but I am so grateful he's mine for eternity. What a blessing it is to know that no matter what happens in this life, I'll get to have him in the next. 

As far as what happens in this life, oh man, there's a ton. Moving down here with just the two of us is one of the best things we have been privileged enough to do. It has also been the hardest thing we've done together. I feel like when you plan everything out, and things seem to be going accordingly, that's when a curve ball gets thrown. It's almost life's way of saying "good one". Beyond just our job transfers not working out, there were some other disheartening occurrences that really hit us hard. Disappointment took many forms, and we were both ready to 'throw in the towel' and call it quits. When we were at our lowest, we turned to our Savior in hopes that a miracle would happen. Lucas and I have attended the temple several times since we've been down here and it's amazing to me the comfort we've found there. Each time we have gone, the feeling of 'everything will work out' has given us the strength to stay. My testimony in the Gospel has grown so much in such a short time. I know Heavenly Father has been mindful of us, and I've felt the love of our Savior so strongly. So, we stuck it out. We didn't throw in the towel. I already have found new employment, and Lucas is doing the same. It'd be a stretch to say "everything has worked out" because we're still in the process, but things are looking better. 

Our boat is surfacing and the waters are looking less fierce. I'm so grateful to be on this journey with Lucas. I've loved watching our marriage grow stronger and seeing how close we've come to Heavenly Father. Somewhere in between is a lovely place to be, and we're getting closer each step of the way.

-Allison S. Dahl

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