Saturday, May 25, 2013

A Little Bit of Allison: New Chapter

I feel like every person's life could be made into a book. No matter who you are, it would be interesting. Some chapters may be shorter than others, but it would be a good book nonetheless. Sometimes I wonder if I were to write a book made out of stories from my life what the genre would be. It seems as though I have some very nice happy chapters, and some very depressing chapters. I suppose I could only find out once I could end the book. I guess that's what keeps life exciting, we never know how it's going to go.

The most recent chapter that has now come to an end was probably one of my least favorite chapters, yet the one that taught me the most. Maybe one day I'll publicize the events that took place during said chapter, but for now I'll just share that I couldn't have asked for a better life-changing experience.

As I turn the page and see the possibilities to fill this new chapter, I can't help but be grateful for everything I've learned in such a short amount of time. I'm also grateful that this new chapter is mine to fill. I feel like a bird that has just been let out of its' cage. I know that's a super cheesy analogy, but it's all I could come up with. I suppose that's the joy of being young and unstoppable. My future is mine and I get to choose what I want to do with it. It's such a good feeling knowing that, and quite exciting as well.

I know I have been about the lamest blogger ever and have all but abandoned this blog, but I am going to try again! I won't set your hopes up and crush them, so I'm not going to make any commitments on how often I post. Just know updating this and getting back to writing poems has moved up on my priorities list. Whatever that's worth.

Thank you to everyone who reads this, it's always exciting to watch my page views go up! Also, thank you to all of those who were a part of my last chapter, you know who you are. I wouldn't be where I am without any of you.



  1. Allison, what an awesome post! :-) If we could read the books of people's lives, I think our eyes would be opened and maybe people wouldn't judge so harshly. I also think we would be surprised by what others have experienced and endured. Our love for others would probably grow immensely or maybe for some we might just realize how human they are ;-) You are an extra ordinary person. You have so much potential! You already are awesome! Along with being brave! Good luck with your new set of wings ;-) Stay close too your Savior. He loves you :-) Have a beautiful day!

  2. Thank you! I agree completely :)
