Monday, June 30, 2014

A Little Bit of Allison: Decisions, Decisions...

Man, it's been a crazy couple of weeks. I am still very appreciative of all those who still read my blog even after all my little tangents. Even I get sick of myself sometimes, so really, thank you for hanging on to that URL of mine.

With all the wedding plans and other things going on, I find myself in a conundrum. I received an email today from Google saying they would like to help me advertise myself. So here's the problem: should I focus on all that publishing stuff after I get married, or try to do it now? I think I've already made my decision, but I would love some feedback!!

I have another Controversy post coming, stay tuned!! :)

-Allison Susanne De Arton


  1. Hey Allison,

    I would do it after the wedding. You have enough going on with a new job and wedding plans!!

  2. Go for it! You would be surprised what a nice little distraction can do for you in crazy times. Personally, I can't get enough of them :)
