Friday, September 28, 2012

Yellow Zebra

The concept of a Yellow Zebra is quite sad. It's something that is tangible, like a person, that one desires, but one will never attain.

Most people have a Yellow Zebra. It's someone you're in love with and will never be with. So, I am going to dedicate this post to my Yellow Zebra. I feel slightly bad and a little awkward because my Yellow Zebra reads my blog...and will know full well this is about him. Ah well, I guess I don't care.

To start off, let me just tell you how amazing my Yellow Zebra is. We'll call him.. Tim. I don't know any Tims. Well, Tim is quite attractive. Probably one of the more attractive people I've ever seen. There's something about his smile that is captivating. His dark eyes can see into your soul, I swear. And yet when they're looking into mine, I can't help but gaze back. Tim is funny. He makes me laugh a lot. He and I share a sense of humor that I've never had with anyone. Tim is also easy to talk to. We talk a lot, and about pretty much everything. I feel comfortable talking to him about all sorts of things, and telling him things I don't even tell my best friend.

When I first met Tim, I was actually dating someone. I didn't let that get in the way of developing a relationship with him, though. I don't think there's anyone out there that gets me like Tim does. He seems to know what I'm thinking before even I do.

I could go on about why I'm madly in love with Tim, but instead I'll tell you the sad part of this story. The part that makes Tim a Yellow Zebra.

I won't mention when, but there was an evening Tim and I spent together. I got all cute and, I won't lie, I looked pretty good. He came and picked me up. We went to a film and enjoyed it, at least I did. Well, then Tim and I went to his house and talked for a bit. Oh my little heart did hope. I just wanted one kiss, ONE kiss out of this guy. I did all I could..what with all the flirting...trying to sit close. I'm telling you people, I worked as hard as I could, but Tim was unbreakable. There was no way he was going to kiss me. So finally he said he was going to take me home. I got into the car, and I won't lie, I fought my hardest to not cry. I'm quite the warrior, so I was able to choke back the tears until I shut my bedroom door.

Now, this situation is only sad because of the facts behind it. Tim and I have been friends since February '12. I have been in love with him for the same amount of time. When he didn't kiss me that night, it was more than him saying no. It was Tim admitting there was no future with us, and there never would be.

So to all of you who have a Yellow Zebra, hopefully you'll find a white one who is better looking. :) To finding White Zebras!

Allison S. De Arton

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