Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A Little Bit of Allison: The Power of a Song

Music is a very interesting thing. We all listen to it, whether it's rap, heavy metal, country, alternative, classical, or even dubstep. It seems there is a genre for everyone. I am a huge fan of music. I won't lie, I don't classify country, scream-o, or extremely heavy metal as music. That's just my opinion though. We are all entitled to one.

I was cleaning my living room today when a song played on my laptop. I had it on shuffle, so it was random. The song was a song someone and I once shared as "our song". I thought it was interesting that this simple song invited a flood of memories. So it got me thinking, how much power does music actually have? Well, a lot. It's the same with scents I've noticed. I used a certain shampoo that I used to buy all the time in high school, and it made me think of all the things going on in my life at that time.

Music is used all the time. Everywhere. It's used on television shows, commercials, movies, even political campaigns. It captures our attention and gives us a certain emotion, which is exactly what the creators want. If you watch a scary movie, it isn't half as scary if you take the music out. Intense moments in television are set up by a song that has you on the edge of your seat.

So this simple song that came on my computer set the mood for my cleaning. I didn't change it. Instead I relived the moments in my mind. Cherishing them as they switched from one memory to the next. One could say it made me sad, which I wouldn't disagree with that one. But I enjoyed the fact I was able to create those memories, those special moments, than to not have been able to live them at all.

Yes indeed music has an enchanting power over us, but I do believe it helps make life's moments even more fruitful.

Enjoy the next song you listen to, whatever influence it has on you.


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